How to Know if You Are in a Rebound Relationship

Описание к видео How to Know if You Are in a Rebound Relationship

Clay Andrews discusses how to know if you are in a rebound relationship or not. If you want to check out the free class mentioned in the video, check out


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Is it a rebound relationship or not? It can be a complicated question to answer, especially if you are in the thick of a relationship and don't have an objective view of things.

But there are a few ways to tell if it's a rebound relationship or not.

People often look to the time since a breakup to determine if a relationship is a rebound relationship or not but that's not the best way to know if it's a rebound or not.

The real signs you are in a rebound relationship or not are found by looking at the emotional state of yourself and your partner.

One of the biggest ways to tell if you're in a rebound relationship is to notice whether you or your partner spend a lot of time talking about your ex. Now, don't get me wrong, talk of exes is going to come up from time to time in any normal relationship, but if the main crux of the relationship is on how much better it is than the previous one or constant complaining about an ex, then it is clear that there is still a lot of energy wound up in the previous relationship, which means that there isn't as much energy to invest in the the current relationship.

Remember that energy goes where you place your attention, so if there is a lot of attention placed on the past, on exes, or on previous relationships, then that is a major clue that you're in a rebound relationship.

Another way to tell is if you or your partner has not gone through any sort of mourning period from the breakup.

If you were in a meaningful relationship, then the natural response to a breakup is to feel pain and hurt when that relationship doesn't work out. If you or your partner have not gone through this period, there is a strong chance that there is some emotional suppression taking place in order to try to paper over that hurt with a fun distraction of a relationship.

And of course, any emotionally unavailable signs would also be a symptom of a rebound relationship, such as being "too busy," still living with your ex, being in love with the idea of being a relationship, etc.


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