Unconventional Exercise that's GREAT for Grappling? How to: Zercher Deadlift

Описание к видео Unconventional Exercise that's GREAT for Grappling? How to: Zercher Deadlift

Now that you know how to perform this lift, check out how to program it in our WRESTLING focus month in Team EP (free trial below):

Grappling, jiu-jitsu, mma, and wrestling all place demands on the spine that fall far outside the "neutral" range you see in traditional deadlifts, RDL's, squats etc. Since our sport demands so many versatile positions from the spine, wouldn't it just make sense to train these positions in the weight room? And imagine that one of those exercises also helped build a robust underhook position?

Enter the Zercher Deadlift. Even beyond what is mentioned above, we also get the added benefit of force production from deep hip hip flexion - something that is necessary for a dangerous guard.

So if you haven't dabbled with this exercise before, here's your chance! Take your first step in the fight against glassbacks today 💯

Team EP: That link up top includes a 7 day FREE trial for the best programming available for BJJ - all via our app. Our resume speaks for itself: why NOT try the programming that we use for our athletes like Lucas Barbosa, Dom Bell, Kaynan Duarte, and more?

We work HARD to deliver the best product imaginable - and all for $29.99/mo. You get access to our coaches for form checks, access to over 50 programs that translate directly to success on the mats. We also include rehab and mobility work for common injuries of every major joint for no additional cost.

We overdeliver on purpose. We want what's best for the jiu-jitsu community, and continuously strive to be as good at our craft as our athletes are at theirs. Check us out on other platforms, send us a message, give our programming a try.

Like hundreds of others: you'll be glad you did.


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