Warhammer 40k First Strike Unboxing

Описание к видео Warhammer 40k First Strike Unboxing

In this unboxing video, we unbox the Warhammer 40,000 First Strike starter set. Here, I explain why I, as a Warhammer 40K Kill Team player, got this box over the very cost-effective Know No Fear set.

In it, you get six Adeptus Astartes Primaris units (three intercessors and three reivers). It's enough for a ninety-eight-point Kill Team. (Buy grapnel launcher bits from eBay, outfit two of the reivers with the things, and voila! a full one hundred!)

You also get a blight launcher-toting plague marine, a valuable addition to any Death Guard kill team. Two more plague marines (one is a champion thought it's too heavily kitted for my taste) and a whole gaggle (six) of poxwalkers complete this collection that's perfect for any Kill Team beginner.


0:00 Start
0:07 Start of video
0:27 Why I selected this box
2:00 Unboxing starts
2:43 DG and SM KT plans
3:32 Drawing out the main box
4:03 Ruler and bases
4:45 Dice
4:54 Intercessors sprue
6:44 Reivers sprue
7:39 Space Marines decals
8:10 Poxwalkers push-fit sprue
8:53 Death Guard Plague Marines push-fit sprue
10:14 Gaming mat
12:25 I unwrap the books and datacards
12:37 Datacards
14:59 Assembly guide pamphlet
16:23 First Strike Core Rules
21:17 Lore and other resources
22:49 This vs the Know No Fear starter set
29:11 Terrain
29:28 Datacards 2
30:21 Outro and future plans


The three-minute, forty-three-second mark: The unboxing video I mention at this point:    • Warhammer 40K Unboxing – First Strike...  

The six-minute, twenty-eight-second mark: Plans to kitbash an auxiliary grenade launcher (   • Kill Team Primaris Gunner - Adding an...  )
The nineteen-minute, seventeen-second mark: Link to errata: https://www.warhammer-community.com/w...


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