Wash Day With DEVA CURL | Vegan & Cruelty Free Wash Day Routine for Natural Hair

Описание к видео Wash Day With DEVA CURL | Vegan & Cruelty Free Wash Day Routine for Natural Hair

Hello Beautiful people💕

Thank you for coming to my channel 😘 I hope you enjoyed my video!
I had a much better experience with Deva Curl this time around. As I already mentioned stress, the colored ends, and being three months postpartum really contributed to the way my hair reacted to the products the first time.

#devacurl #washday #naturalhair

Products Used:

DEVACURL Wash Day Wonder™ Pre-Cleanse Slip Detangler:

*DEVACURL No-Poo Decadence Zero Lather Ultra Moisturizing Milk Cleanser: https://go.magik.ly/ml/m41t/

*DEVACURL One Condition Decadence Ultra Moisturizing Milk Conditioner: https://go.magik.ly/ml/m41u/

*DEVACURL Melt into Moisture Matcha Butter Conditioning Mask:

*Butterfly Clamps: https://go.ly/ml/c9vz/

Products I ALWAYS use:

Rattail Comb:

*Evolve Satin Wide Edge Bonnet : https://go.magik.ly/ml/flra/

*Butterfly Clamps: https://go.magik.ly/ml/c9vz/

*Mister Spray Bottle: https://go.magik.ly/ml/c9vx/

*Evolve Rat Tail Comb Set: https://www.amazon.com/shop/jeanettej...

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💛If you have any questions please comment below and I will answer 💛
Catch me on social media:

  / ravishing_tresses   (my natural hair journey)

  / opulent_beauty_mua   (my beauty page)

For business inquires:

Please contact me at [email protected]
Want to send to me? I LOVE IT 😘
6801 Oak Hall Ln. #160
Columbia, MD 21045


**Song: Pound Cake Devi **

Subbies: 55,964

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"FTC disclosure: This video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links" This helps me to continue making videos for this channel :-)


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