'Jaguar' | Diablo 4 Spiritborn Rake Build 1.4 Billion Damage Beats all Torment 4 Bosses+Uber Lilith

Описание к видео 'Jaguar' | Diablo 4 Spiritborn Rake Build 1.4 Billion Damage Beats all Torment 4 Bosses+Uber Lilith

So just a few notes, firstly I'm pretty sure they buffed the hell out of all the boss hp bc if I were doing this much damage before this season then all these bosses would be dying a whole lot faster since I was definitely doing less damage than this in the previous seasons. I was able to clear torment 4 10-wave hordes pretty comfortably with about 400-600 aether by the end of it all which feels pretty average to me.
I didn't care about pushing the pit because I already got all my glyphs to 46 and didn't think it was necessary to keep going, so I stopped at pit 75, which I was able to do pretty comfortably as well. Counterattack does not evade all hits, specific damage is unavoidable like Duriel's meatball projectiles, Andariel's laser beam, Grigore's electric fence, Zir's blood waves, and I think that's it, there may be more, but I can't remember at the moment. The point is these are very specific attacks done by only these bosses, other than that, counterattack will literally evade all other damage.
I know I could have taken the barrier damage route with Vicious Shield and the Que rune, and even though I was capable of doing that, I decided to not to just bc I wanted to play around and see how I'd do without it.
And I know I forgot to mention it in the video, but for my In-Fighter board I socket the Spirit Glyph which is a lovely damage multiplier when I crit and it also gives me more crit damage.
I'm absolutely certain this build isn't fully optimized and I'm sure someone one day will take this build to a whole new level.

Build Link: https://d4builds.gg/builds/fe82f141-1...

Please let me know what you think of the video and let me know what off-meta builds you'd like to see in the future! Like, comment, and subscribe for more videos!

00:00 Intro
01:10 Playstyle
02:48 Helm
03:20 Chest
03:28 Gloves
03:38 Legs
03:54 Boots
04:05 Amulet
04:23 Ring 1
04:44 Ring 2
05:01 Weapon
05:24 Runes
06:03 1.4 Billion Damage Hits
06:14 Skill Tree
08:47 Paragon
10:53 Spirit Hall
11:42 Mercenaries
12:00 Outro
12:13 Uber Lilith Boss Fight


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