Episode 17 : Work from home - boon or bane, With Vanisha Garg, client success Manager at Expedify

Описание к видео Episode 17 : Work from home - boon or bane, With Vanisha Garg, client success Manager at Expedify

Even though today’s women are all highly educated, but still a lot of them are not able to work, just because they just cannot afford to go to office. Be it the newly married, the new parents, on anyone, those who really want to work, to be productive, but they just cannot afford to travel 4-5 hours everyday, those who need to prioritise both their families and work, Work from home is definitely a boon for them.

So let’s not look down upon anyone for the choices they made, let’s respect everyone’s choice. And instead of making work from office a compulsion, let it be a choice!

Episode 17 of Renaissance with Swati is now live!

With Vanisha Garg, the client success manager at Expedify, an ex-PWC and ex- KPMG employee, having a Masters in Strategic Management from Dublin, Ireland, and still chose to work from home.

Topic Discussed :
🫶 How work from home helps those who are willing to work just cannot afford to be in the office
🫶 How studying abroad gives you a global perspective and broadens your mindset
🫶 How every job is equal, be it working in a corporate or working at a fast food joint
🫶 Why work life balance is important and how work from home helps with that
🫶 Work from office or work from home is a choice and not something to be desired enforced

Key Takeaways
✨ Don’t be afraid of trying new things
✨ Sometimes you have to go with the flow, trying not too hard to get something, but taking what life has to offer
✨ if you don’t experiment on different things, then you don’t know what’s best for you
✨ work from home is difficult because you cannot have lunch together with your teammates, there’s a challenge of being seen, being valued
✨ Work from home makes us more productive, and maintain a balance among all the things important to us, and not limit ourselves to just be drained out at the end of the day due to travel
✨ For most of the women, even if they are in office, they are physically in office, but they are mentally looking at all the home responsibilities and priorities
✨ If a company embraces this fact, that working from home doesn’t mean relaxing, it will help them to retain the talents that could help companies achieve bigger heights
✨ Covid era showed us how we can take advantage of virtual connections, so we definitely should learn from that
✨ Focus should be on getting the work done, rather than where it’s being getting done from
✨ Listen to everyone’s perspective and do not just rubbish one idea because it doesn’t matches with yours
✨ Accept anything and reject nothing. No idea is a bad idea
✨ A global environment is like an open book, where everyone can come and be comfortable
✨ Coming outside of the cocoon and exploring your true identity is very important
✨ Setting up connections and networking broadens our horizons
✨Being an employee, customer is God, but only in the set window. Outside that window, my family is my priority
✨ In a job, if you respect the other person and his time, the job will also be respected.
✨ Maintain a harmony in different walks of your life. Be it your job, family or yourself, everything needs time
✨ Work from home, gives the flexibility to a new parent to work without having any regrets
✨ Just be open, experiment and don’t be afraid of going out of your shells

Chapters :

00:00:00 Start
00:01:55 Vanisha’s Journey
00:06:13 Leaving big 4 to join a Startup - How the work from home journey began
00:08:33 Work from Office vs Work from home
00:20:27 How does the MBA from Ireland helped in exploring various new perspectives - Global exposure changed you
00:27:13 Part time jobs while studying - How it taught that every job is equal
00:34:16 Prioritise the work life balance
00:39:06 As a parent, how work from home helps to give you the zeal to be more productive while helping your kids
00:42:14 How Indian startups are helping to shift the mindset
00:43:17 Key takeaway - Work from office or work from home is a choice and not something to be desired enforced


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