Ginning | The Journey of Cotton - Episode 1 | Process of cotton from fiber to a bale | Cotton series

Описание к видео Ginning | The Journey of Cotton - Episode 1 | Process of cotton from fiber to a bale | Cotton series

In this cotton video series - you can understand how the cotton plant goes on a journey to make itself as a garment.

Ginning is a process in which the cotton fiber's are separated from the cotton seeds or lint. It also helps in removing impurities like dust, small stones, wooden particles etc.
-First of all, the cotton having seeds in their balls is plucked from the field. Then it is made to pass through the gin. The gin basically consists of a roller having inverted hooks. The main goal is to separate the seeds and lint from the cotton fibre.
-The first stage of the ginning process is measuring the moisture of the cotton which helps to know and determine the amount of heat that will be applied to open the fibre. The stage of cleaning is called incline cleaner in which air is used to mix the heat with the seed cotton. -Any impurities are removed and sent to a waste pile. In the second stage, an additional cleaning takes place. Here the cottons are dropped in a cotton gin stand where seed is removed front he lint by sawblades. The seeds are further crushed for cotton seed oil.
-In the last stage, the lint removed will go through finer cleaners at the gin stand where smaller impurities are removed. Once the cotton is cleaned it is hydraulically pressed into 175 blocks called bales. Every bale of ginned cotton is tested for key characteristics like fibre length, colour, strength, etc. Each bale is banded and wrapped. Now cotton is ready to be sent to the market. The whole process is called Ginning of Cotton

#cotton #ginning #educational #series #episode1 #vlog ‪@makhilselvaraj‬


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