Johane Masowe Muchinjikwa- Ndatumwa kutaura neNyika ino

Описание к видео Johane Masowe Muchinjikwa- Ndatumwa kutaura neNyika ino

The prayer verse "Ndatumwa kutaura neNyika ino" is the voice of the WORD of Heaven telling us that it has been sent to speak to [this] world...The message being conveyed is that the Word has been sent to teach us about what our Heavenly Father expects for the heaven bound. The Word teaches us about life and about living and about giving Glory to His Majesty. God speaks to the world in a lot of ways. He can present himself in natural phenomena, or in disasters. Even more so, He heals the sick and performs miracles on the disabled. When the Word is sent to speak to us it also comes bearing Heaven's wisdom which if we heed, will expunge misfortunes of a nation or of this world. The Word said I AM the Holy Sacrament given to those seeking salvation. This is the Word who said follow me and you will be delivered. It is the same Word which is now saying I've been sent to speak to [this] world..

Kuimba kwemweya mutswene uchitaura zvawakatumwa panyika, zvinova zvekuzo tidzidzisa zvinodiwa nababa vari kudenga kuti tife tichiwana nhaka. Izwi rakatumwa kuzotidzidzisa chiruramo,kuzotidzidisa kupa mwari mbiri nekuti vachisika munhu vakamuti ndinamate. Mwari vanotaura nenyika ino nenzira dzakawanda dzatinoona nemaziso edu, semapopoma emvura aparadza nyika zhinji, marimi emoto anongobaka zvisina kunzwisisa achipedza vanhu, zvirwere zvakasiyana siyana zvapararira pasi rese, zvatambudza vanhu, zvashaisa vana chiremba zivo. Mwari anozviratidza nezvishamiso zvimwe zvinobuda mumakore. Anozviratidza nekurapa vanorwara, kusvinudza mapofu nekutiudza zvirikuuya kuti tisane kugadzirira. Kunyika yedu yeZimbabwe akabudisa madiamonds akazoa dzimura, kuda kuzviratidza hukuru hwake. Ndiye mwari anonayisa mvura, anounza nzara nezvirwere. Ndiwo wakati ndiri munyaradzi, ndiri sakaramento rinopuwa kune afirwa, kuharahwa nechembere. Ndiro izwi rakati nditevere ndikuyambutse. Ndiro ririkuti ndatumwa kutaura nenyika ino, kureva kuti rine message yenyika ino.

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