Put That Verse Back in Context

Описание к видео Put That Verse Back in Context

There are a lot of bible passages people are familiar with. Scriptures like Philippians 4:13 - "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." And Jeremiah 29:11 - "I know the plans I have for you." What are the context for these passages? Are they there to be used as broadly as we often hear them used? In this episode, we are addressing other passages that are very popular, but putting them in the proper context.

BibleQuest is Live on Tuesdays @ 2:00pm ET and Wednesdays @ 3:00pm ET. Thursday BibleQuest talk shows are pre-recorded and posted @ 7:00pm. Each week the panelists discuss a variety of Bible topics including God, Jesus Christ, the Christian church and questions submitted by the audience.

The conversation is based only on what the Bible reveals, and letting the Bible interpret itself without our interference. You may agree or disagree, so join us and let us know either way.

You can also submit questions and suggestions at BibleQuest.org.


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