FEAR the BRAWLING Dervish! - Mechwarrior Online (Dervish Build & Gameplay) (MWO)

Описание к видео FEAR the BRAWLING Dervish! - Mechwarrior Online (Dervish Build & Gameplay) (MWO)

I find this build really fun to play. Jumpjets with MRM's just work perfectly together. On average I get around 500 - 850 damage a game with this mech, without breaking too much of a sweat. I think its due to how easy it is to jumpjet over cover, shoot a 60 damage set of missles at the enemy, then fall back behind cover without taking any significant damage.

BUILDCODE: https://mwo.nav-alpha.com/mechlab?b=7...

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Intro: 00:00
First Match: 01:48
Second Match: 05:42

#MWO (#MechwarriorOnline) by Piranha Games. Free to play at http://mwomercs.com. MechWarrior Online is a free-to-play vehicular combat video game, officially launched during September 2013 by Piranha Games for Microsoft Windows. The game takes place within the larger #BattleTech universe. In MechWarrior: Online, players takes the role of a ""MechWarrior"" who pilots large bipedal combat vehicles known as BattleMechs (Mech for short). Players can customize their BattleMech with an array of weapons and equipment, and engage in 12 versus 12 battles, the outcome of which earns the players experience and c-bills for future BattleMech purchases and customization. There are currently seven game modes that involve protecting and attacking a single base (Assault), capturing and holding several points (Conquest), take and hold the center of the map (Domination), attacking a space defense system (Siege/Counter-Attack), protecting and attacking field bases with turrets and walls spread across the map (Incursion), and team death-match (Skirmish).


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