vlogmas pt 2 - astana - snowy cityscapes, friends and doing nothing for three weeks

Описание к видео vlogmas pt 2 - astana - snowy cityscapes, friends and doing nothing for three weeks

welcome to vlogmas part 2 hehe
this vlog is wayyy more chill than the london one - simply because all i do when i go home is sleep, eat and hang out with family and friends lol
anyone who knows me is aware of the fact that i love astana and its landscapes, be it in the summer heat or winter snow! therefore there's a looot of views of astana in this vlog - so that you can enjoy the beauty of my hometown.

thank you for watching this video! i hope you had a beautiful 2019 and make the most out of 2020 for it to become your best year yet! i'll work really hard on this channel and i hope you stick around to watch what happens next!
thank you again, and happy new year :)


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