Merlin & OC // U N C O N D I T I O N A L

Описание к видео Merlin & OC // U N C O N D I T I O N A L

When Merlin arrrives at Camelot he sees a beautiful girl and greets her. Immediately a man, said to be the son of the King, appears by her side and
goes crazy at the interaction. She tries to stop Arthur but Merlin is sent to jail. Once released, he becomes Arthur's servant and finds out the girl,
called Elizabeth, is not his wife as he thought at first, but his sister.

Merlin and Beth can't stay away from each other. Merlin can be himself around her and Beth finally understands her own powers.

They start falling for each other and is her who flirts and tries to take the
first step as she knows Merlin won't.
Noticed by her siblings, Arthur tells Merlin to stop, and Morgana tells Beth
to stay away. Merlin tries but Beth convinces him to be together and keep it
a secret.

Uther wants Elizabeth to marry a future king and she refuses. She runs away
knowing very well she'd have to marry him eventually. And she finds out she is pregnant so she needs to save her unborn child and Merlin.

She goes back, claiming she was abducted. Giaus, who was the only one that knew of her pregnancy asks her about it, she tells him the druids were looking after the child and the magic the child was born with. Both were oblivious to Merlin listening, who is later told by Giaus to do nothing.

Uther dies not long after, and then Merlin finally confesses he knows it all
and convinces her to go for the child.

Will they keep it a secret? Will they tell Arthur? Will he accept it all?


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