菠蘿炒飯🍍🍍🍍吵得好食過泰國餐廳 😄超好味😋自己整材料豐富 經濟好味💯新入住朋友一樣做到🤝香味濃郁 口感一流 做法簡單 啖啖菠蘿清香♨️ 炒飯 Pineapple fried rice

Описание к видео 菠蘿炒飯🍍🍍🍍吵得好食過泰國餐廳 😄超好味😋自己整材料豐富 經濟好味💯新入住朋友一樣做到🤝香味濃郁 口感一流 做法簡單 啖啖菠蘿清香♨️ 炒飯 Pineapple fried rice

⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️


1. 帶子仔及蜆肉,清水解凍。
2. 帶子及蜆肉,擎乾水,清水沖洗乾淨,擎乾水。
3. 帶子及蜆肉,用雞粉1茶匙調味。
4. 菠蘿切去頂部及底部,取出菠蘿肉。
5. 菠蘿殼,切出小部分的皮,另一邊,用作盛炒飯之用。
6. 在小部分的皮上,切出菠蘿肉,用作炒飯。
7. 菠蘿皮,用牙簽重組成菠蘿形狀。
8. 雞蛋,打勻。

1. 大火在鑊中燒熱油2湯匙。
2. 蝦仁,用生粉1湯匙,撈勻。
3. 鋪平蝦仁在鑊中。
4. 加入冷飯,轉中火,壓鬆飯,轉大火,繼續炒至乾身。
5. 加入糖半茶匙及鹽少許。
6. 加入蛋漿,轉大火,炒至乾身。
7. 加入少許回鑊油,炒勻。
8. 加入菠蘿,熄火,炒幾下。
9. 完成,炒飯放入菠蘿殼內,可享用。

Pineapple fried rice:

Frozen shrimps 15 Nos.
Frozen scallops 20 pcs
Class 1 bowl
Eggs 2 Nos.
Pineapple 1 No.

1. Scallops and clams, defrost with tap water.
2. Scallops and clams, hang dry. Rinse with tap water. Hang dry.
3. Scallops and clams, season with chicken powder 1 tsp.
4. Pineapple, cut both ends, take out the flesh of it.
5. Shell of pineapple, cut a small portion vertically. The large portion of the pineapple will be used as a bowl of fried rice.
6. The small portion of pineapple, cut the flesh is to be used in the fried rice.
7. Skin of pineapple, is to be reshaped to a pineapple with toothpicks.
8. Eggs, beat well.

1. Heat up oil 2 tbsp at high flame in wok.
2. Shrimps, put tapioca starch 1 tbsp, mix well.
3. Flatten the shrimps in wok.
4. Put rice, turn to medium flame. Press the rice well. Turn to high flame. Continue frying until the rice is not sticky any more.
5. Put sugar 0.5 tsp and little salt in wok.
6. Pour egg syrup and turn to high flame. Turn to high flame until the egg syrup has been dried.
7. Pour little oil into wok. Fry well.
8. Put pineapple into wok. Turn off fire. Mix well.
9. Complete. Put fried rice into shell of pineapple. Serve.


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