Detox From Negative Energy | 432Hz Healing Music Therapy To Ground Yourself | Heal Body, Mind & Soul

Описание к видео Detox From Negative Energy | 432Hz Healing Music Therapy To Ground Yourself | Heal Body, Mind & Soul

Detox Yourself From Negative Energy To Heal Your Body, Mind & Soul | 432 Hz Healing Music Therapy To Reconnect With The Earth & Ground Yourself💗 When we are grounded and feel connected with the earth we are allowing deep healing to happen in our body, mind, and soul.

Welcome, Dear Soul💗 We present this beautiful, healing, and therapeutic 432 Hz music to assist our listeners in reconnecting with the earth and grounding themselves in order to detox and heal all layers of our intricate being. We have a written poem and positive I AM affirmations in our video to enhance the healing experience. This content can be used for meditation, manifestation, prayer, sleep, or any healing rituals.

“Music based on 432hz will support humanity on its way towards spiritual freedom. “
– Rudolph Steiner.

Read more about 432 Hz below.

💗 POSITIVE I AM Affirmations For Deep Inner Peace💗

I am safe.
I am safe to be me.

I am a beautiful expression of life.
I choose to be kind to myself and love myself as I am.

I give myself permission to release all pressure that I have placed upon myself.
In this moment I free myself from all tension.

I give myself permission to trust.
I trust this Universe.
I trust this earth.
I trust my Soul.
I trust my body.
I trust in the wisdom of my heart.

I am grateful to be alive.
I allow gratitude to open my heart to the unimaginable beauty that surrounds me in every moment. I love life, and life loves me.

I am grateful for all the blessings that I have in my life.

I have complete trust that what is meant for me is already mine.
I surrender the how and the when to the divine intelligence of life.

I am grateful for the Earth and all her gifts that nourishes and sustains me every day.
Thank you Mother Earth. I Love You with all my heart.

I am a child of this earth.
I belong on this beautiful planet just as much as any animal, plant, tree and human.

I am supported. I am held. I am loved. I belong.

I am grateful that the universe supports me with unconditional love,
to be the happiest, best person that I can be.

I trust the intelligence that runs through all of life.
All is in order, all is well. I am guided and I am protected.

I am part of something bigger than me.
I am deeply connected to all of life.

💗Repeat for 21 days to experience astonishing results💗


✨💗Download our music for unlimited offline listening💗✨

✨🌸Royalty-Free Music🌸✨

We run a Royalty-free music store where we upload the music we post here on our YouTube channel Self-Healing Collective as Royalty-free songs.

With a royalty-free license, you can use our music in your next guided meditation project, as background music on your own YouTube channel, for your podcast, video game etc.

You can buy royalty-free licenses to our music at


This music is tuned in the deep healing frequency of 432 HZ.

432 Hz resonates musically with the Schuman resonance, at 8 Hz, also referred to as the heartbeat of the earth. How do 432 Hz and 8 Hz resonate with each other?
If we tune an instrument to 432 Hz and play a C note, we get 256 Hz. And due to the sympathetic resonance of the overtone of the note, it will produce another C at precisely 8 Hz.
Any music produced at 432 Hz will be in harmony with the frequency of Earth, and thus have a healing impact on the listener.

🌸 About the healing Solfeggio frequencies🌸



We at Self-Healing Collective have a deep passion for music, spirituality, prayer, mindfulness, nature, healing, and creativity. We wish to inspire and create a peaceful and safe space here on Youtube for self-healing, spiritual growth, prayer, meditation, and divine connection through our music and visual content.

What we wish for you:
Inner peace, healing, positive growth, purpose, understanding, and connections.

What we believe in:
The love of God, Power of the mind, spirituality, growth, oneness, meditation, and wisdom.

What we stand for:
Empowerment through self-healing and that all of us have great power within.

What we support:
Everything that promotes health, and personal, physical, and spiritual growth.

What we care about:
The evolution of our people and the direction we are going collectively as a species. We wish to assist the earth in raising the collective vibration. We care about and love the planet that is our home.

We support you on your path of self-discovery and growth.

Our spirit greets yours.
Infinite love to all,
Christine & Hanne


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