Starting A Fitness Boot Camp

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Truth is, if you're thinking about starting a fitness boot camp, I can tell you that it's a heck of a lot easier and way more cost friendly than starting a personal training business which requires more equipment, more space, and has lower profit margins... I should know... I operated five of them.

Below is a simple boot camp business-building checklist I have created to help you organize your highest priorities and give you a more clear-cut direction.

Location- If you don't have a location, that doesn't mean you can't market. If you know the general city or area you plan to open up then you can start building relationships with local businesses and getting the word out about your upcoming fitness boot camp location. Yes, you can market WHILE you are scouting for locations and down below you'll find a list of 21 boot camp marketing tactics you can swipe and deploy. I'm not a fan of outdoor boot camp. It's one thing to have an indoor location and go outdoors when then weather permits. But it's another thing to run a boot camp outdoors and to think you have a business. It may be a business, but it's certainly not a business with "legs".
Insurance-seems like a no brainer, but I still hear about people that rush out to make their fortune but forget or neglect to get in insurance. This can be a career killing blow, and the fact that I have to mention getting insurance in your business scares me. On that note, I've heard many times when a trainer who was running an outdoor boot camp got nailed when they had to file a claim and where denied because the park, beach, or place they were training did not fall within what the insurance provider considered "standard practice".

   • Starting A Fitness Boot Camp  
   / marketingfitness101  


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