Lecture 1.6.7 Flywheel |Problem 2 | Turning moment Equation

Описание к видео Lecture 1.6.7 Flywheel |Problem 2 | Turning moment Equation

In this video, i will discuss about solving a problem related to flywheel where the turning moment equation of flyhweel is given.

00:00 - Outline
01:18 - Problem on flywheel
04:13 - Turning moment diagram
05:41 - Workdone
09:11 - Power
10:30 - change in energy
16:22 - Moment of inertia
16:59 - Angular acceleration

Complete Course playlist:
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2. Kinematics of Machines    • Kinematics of Machines | Theory of ma...  
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4. MATLAB SIMULINK    • MATLAB | Tutorial  
5. Arduino    • Arduino Tutorial  
6. SIEMENS PLC    • PLC Project | Siemens S7 1500 PLC |  ...  
7. Qt C++ Programming    • QT C++ Tutorial  
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