Etheric Spells and Curses Clearing - Destroy the Effects / Energetically Programmed Audio

Описание к видео Etheric Spells and Curses Clearing - Destroy the Effects / Energetically Programmed Audio

Energetically Programmed Jewelry:

Etheric Spells and Curses Clearing video has been created according to beliefs and principles of Maitreya Reiki™ System of Spiritual Healing to transmits energetic information to your aura and subconscious mind, empowering them to identify and shed negative energetic imprints, spells, curses, and other negative intentions sent by others, from your current and past lives, as well as your entire etheric body. This process not only aids in releasing negative spells but also fortifies your aura, enhancing its defenses against future negative energies.

Key benefits include:

- Equip your energetic field and subconscious with the necessary insights to detect and let go of harmful energetic patterns, spells, and curses.
- Encourage the activation of your inherent capabilities to dissolve and rid yourself of these unwelcome influences.
- Initiate a journey of self-healing and energetic renewal, paving the way for a brighter, more balanced energetic existence.

Furthermore, the audio aims to neutralize the already manifested effects of spells and curses, effectively clearing the path for a restoration of your natural energetic state. As these negative energies are cleared, associated malevolent entities that have attached themselves to you due to these spells will find no ground to linger, resulting in their departure.

For a comprehensive healing experience, both headphones and speakers can be used, though speakers are particularly recommended to ensure the full immersion of your being in the cleansing energy. Listening two to three times daily is advised for optimal effects, with the flexibility to listen more frequently if you feel the need for extra cleansing or to further bolster the resilience of your aura against negative influences.

You can purchase a boosted digital mandala from here:

In this file, we provide answers to the most frequently asked questions + Bonus digital mandala [ Integrating the Higher Self ]: Enjoy!

Maitreya Fields is the Originator of the Maitreya Reiki™ System of Spiritual Healing. All our videos and other products are energetically programmed by Maitreya through a deep meditative state with Divine Energy, used in Maitreya Reiki™ for spiritual healing purposes. All views expressed in this description are spiritual and based on the beliefs and premises of the Maitreya Reiki™ System of Spiritual Healing.

Please be aware that the effects of Divine Energy healing and energetic programming through meditation are based on belief and have not been proven by scientific research. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition. If you need medical help, please contact your healthcare provider. This product is designed with the purpose of integrating the principles of balance and well-being associated with Divine Energy healing and the energetic programming utilized by Maitreya Fields.

You can read more about Maitreya Reiki™ in our blog:


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