CARTA: The Origin of Us - Fossils of Modern Humans Interbreeding within and outside of Africa

Описание к видео CARTA: The Origin of Us - Fossils of Modern Humans Interbreeding within and outside of Africa

(Visit: One of the enduring questions of human origins is when, where and how we "Behaviorally Modern Humans" emerged and why and how we eventually replaced all the other human-like species. This series takes a fresh look at the situation today with a critical examination of the available evidence from multiple sources. Chris Stringer (Natural History Museum, London) leads off with a talk about the Fossil Record of Anatomically Modern Humans, followed by Michael Hammer (Univ of Arizona) on Interbreeding with Archaic Humans in Africa, and Richard "Ed" Green (UC Santa Cruz) on Interbreeding with Archaic Humans outside Africa. Series: "CARTA - Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny" [7/2013] [Science] [Show ID: 25388]


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