Ultimate C8 Z06 Test: Eventuri Air Intake, Soler Performance Throttle Body, Awe Exhaust!

Описание к видео Ultimate C8 Z06 Test: Eventuri Air Intake, Soler Performance Throttle Body, Awe Exhaust!

Link to Front Splitter & Eventuri Air Intake parts and more: https://www.jesseiwujiperformance.com...

It's finally time to test out my Eventuri air intake, MSS Springs, and new Z07R Front Splitter at the drag strip in the 1/4 mi. I've been looking forward to getting on the 1/4 mi drag strip to test them. Let's see what gains are made, this should be a fun next set of videos!! My PB was run in -200 to -500 DA. This video was in +1052 DA. Big difference that affects NA cars more than you realize…remember that while watching

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Instagram: @jesse_iwuji

#corvette #corvettez06 #z06 #z06corvette #eventuri #splitter


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