What Makes Marquise Diamond Rings So SPECIAL?

Описание к видео What Makes Marquise Diamond Rings So SPECIAL?

Are you considering a marquise diamond for your engagement ring?

Joining Mariam & Ji on another deep dive as we talk all about marquise diamond cut! We'll cover terminologies that might help you define what you are looking for. We'll also talk about preferences and style considerations, which will change the look and feel of your ring.

In addition, we'll share two tests that you can use to find the perfect diamond for you.

—————— Contents of this video ———————
0:00 intro to marquise diamond
0:46 marquise diamond cut origin
1:00 marquise diamond anatomy
1:21 things to avoid when looking for marquise rings
2:12 marquise color
2:30 marquise diamond shape preferences
3:40 marquise ring setting
4:05 proportion fitting test for finding the best marquise diamonds
4:47 lighting test

Click here to read our blog on Guide to Picking the Perfect Marquise Cut Diamond Ring https://www.engagestudio.com/pebble/m...

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Song info:
Title: Night Out
Artist: LiQWYD
Genre: Saxophone

"LiQWYD - Night Out" is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0)
Music promoted by Breaking Copyright:

• 'Night Out' by @L... ​​

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