Gwenno - N.Y.C.A.W.

Описание к видео Gwenno - N.Y.C.A.W.

'N.Y.C.A.W' is the latest track from Gwenno's new record and follows the latest single and album title track 'Tresor.'

'Tresor' was released on July 1st, 2022 via Heavenly Recordings.

Listen to the single here -
Purchase 'Tresor' -

Song Credits
Written & performed by Gwenno
Produced & performed by Rhys Edwards

Director - Steve Glashier
Edit by Sedger


Unigolion oll
Ga i eich sylw os gwelwch yn dda? Chi yn y blaen, chi yn y cefn
Chi ar y chwith, chi ar y dde
A chwi oll yn y canol
Beth yw ein polisi ar gyfer pleser?
Gawn ni derfyn ar drafod ein holl ddiffygion
A chymryd mantais ar y cyfle i gofleidio ein cyd-ddyn?
Nid yw Cymru ar werth, nid yw Cymru ar werth, nid yw Cymru ar werth x2
Penderfyniadau pwyllgorau pwyllog
Sy'n atgyfnerthu goruchafiaeth ffiadd y farchnad
Sy'n rhydd i wneud be' a fynno
Brandi a coke i fynd gyda dy frand di?
Fi 'di blino ar fod yn flin
Â'r unigolyddiaeth ddi-chwaeth
Sy'n creu problem mâs o'r gwahaniaeth
Y gwahaniaeth gogoneddus sydd i'w ddathlu ym mhob man
Yr haenau'n cynyddu wrth i ni fynd yn ein blaenau
A'r oll y'n ni 'gyd eisiau gwbod yn sicr
Yr unig beth sy'n bwysig
Yw cariad
Nid yw Cymru ar werth, nid yw Cymru ar werth, nid yw Cymru ar werth x2


Individuals all
Can I have your attention please?
You at the front, you at the back
You on the left, you on the right
All of you in the middle
What is our policy regarding pleasure? Can we stop all of these discussion about our failings?
And take advantage of being able to embrace one another?

Wales is not for sale, Wales is not for sale, Wales is not for sale x2

The decisions made by cautious committees reinforces the dominance of the vulgar market which is free to do what it wants.

A brandy and coke to go with your branding? I'm fed up of feeling angry
And the indecorous individualism
Which creates a problem out of the difference The glorious difference to be celebrated everywhere The layers increase as we keep going on
And the only thing we want to know, the only thing that really matters is love

Wales is not for sale, Wales is not for sale, Wales is not for sale x2


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