Chapter 2: Operations Strategy in Global Environment

Описание к видео Chapter 2: Operations Strategy in Global Environment

This chapter explains the meaning of strategy in global environment.

0:00 Introduction
0:20 Learning Objectives of 2
0:58 Growth of World Trade
2:58 Reasons to Globalize
4:35 Improve the Supply Chain
5:59 Reduce Costs
7:51 Improve Operations
8:40 Understand Markets
9:30 Improve Products
11:38 Attract and Retain Global Talent
12:55 Cultural and Ethical Issues
15:08 Companies Want To Consider
16:52 Match Product and Parent
17:23 Developing Missions and Strategies
18:34 Figure 2.2 Mission Statements for Three Organizations it of 3
20:22 Factors Affecting Mission
22:16 Strategic Process
23:03 Figure 2.3 Sample Missions for a Company, the Operations Function, and Major OM Departments (3 of 4)
28:19 Strategies for Competitive Advantage
29:02 Competing on Differentiation
31:17 Experience Differentiation
31:54 Competing on Cost
35:56 Competing on Response
39:56 OM's Contribution to Strategy
40:15 Issues in Operations Strategy
41:25 SWOT Analysis
41:44 Figure 2.6 Strategy Development Process
42:37 Strategy Development and Implementation
43:25 Key Success Factors
44:22 Implementing Strategic Decisions (12)
47:08 Strategic Planning, Core Competencies, and Outsourcing (1 of 2)
48:43 Theory of Comparative Advantage
49:08 Risks of Outsourcing
50:13 Rating Outsourcing Providers
50:32 Rating Provider Selection Criteria
51:28 Global Operations Strategy Options (108)
52:55 Global Operations Strategy Options (of)


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