King Korg Sounds

Описание к видео King Korg Sounds

I got tired by the factory sound demos for the Korg: King Korg Synthesizer on the net, so I recorded just a few sounds that isn't "performance patches", beacuase quite honestly, the presets of the KK are quite boring. I wanted to show what it sounds like when it actually synthezises. However I don't pretend that these are the most original sounds out there, but Hopefully it will help someone apprteciate the kind of soundscapes it actually produces. Being a very analogue kind of guy my self I was very hesitant to buy the KK, but I needed a new masterkey in my studio, and so it went. As far as digital synths go this is probably the best I've heard and I have grown quite fond of it over the recent months.

The clip contains a lot of noise stuff but you should also hear the "analogue" quality of it in some patches.

Be sure to check me up i the near future for a clip about the vocoder in the KK.

The Orange Dolphin


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