How Much is My Whiplash Injury Claim Worth?

Описание к видео How Much is My Whiplash Injury Claim Worth?

Whiplash is a very common injury in car accidents.

Motor vehicle collisions, even at relatively low speeds, can cause significant acceleration to the head and neck. This is particularly true in large, stiff vehicles.

After these crashes, it may take several hours to several days for symptoms to develop. Our lawyers commonly see complaints from our clients the next day when they wake up. Whiplash symptoms can linger for a long time, sometimes taking years to fully stabilize.

One study found that 52% of persons involved in a rear end collision continue to have neck pain more than a year following the crash. See Pobereskin LH. Whiplash Following Rear End Collisions: A Prospective Cohort Study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2005:76:1146-1151.

In this video we will look at how much whiplash injury cases are typically worth and the factors that impact that value. You can get more information at:


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