FreeBSD: Escaping a jailed environment

Описание к видео FreeBSD: Escaping a jailed environment

In this video I will show why you should not run services inside a jail as root user. In a short summary - if you have also access to the main system (through SSH, a shell, a broken app, whatever...), and are also able to break into the jail, getting root in the jail - then, an attacker is just a few steps away from getting a root shell into the main machine!

This video is supposed to be instructional and its aim is to raise awareness about the need to properly configure and harden your systems! If you misuse the information hereby provided, you do so at your own risk!

NOTE: unfortunately, I had the "brilliant" idea to use a terminal with a red color background to visually show when I was running commands as root in the main machine. This idea has backfired, a the color that I have chosen is horrible to the eyes... This is my 14th video... so, I am still learning... and mistakes happen...

In any case, I hope you enjoy the content and have a great day :-)


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