Transversus Abdominis Plane (TAP) Block // Ultrasound-Guided Demonstration

Описание к видео Transversus Abdominis Plane (TAP) Block // Ultrasound-Guided Demonstration

We demonstrate how to perform a lateral (mix-axillary) in-plane transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block. We review key anatomy with overlays and show injection of local anesthetic in the fascial plane.

Additional reading:
Chin KJ, McDonnell JG, Carvalho B, Sharkey A, Pawa A, Gadsden J. Essentials of Our Current Understanding: Abdominal Wall Blocks. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2017;42(2):133-183. doi:10.1097/AAP.0000000000000545

Procedure performed by Christina Ratto, MD.
Peer reviewed by Sassan Sabouri, MD, Patrick Courtwright, MD, and Raf Vazquez, MD (@RafMD1).

Music "Emerald City" by Stephen Campbell, MD.
GE Logiq E Ultrasound Machine
22 G x 3 1/4' (80 mm) SonoPlex echogenic stimulating needle
Invasive medical procedures can result in harm to patients and practitioners and should be performed only by qualified medical professionals. This video is intended solely for informational purposes and to supplement, not replace, proper training and supervision by qualified instructors.
Viewers are advised to check the most current information provided by the manufacturer for every device being used, and to verify the indications, contraindications and proper procedural technique. The dose, method of administration, and contraindications for any administered drug should be confirmed before use.
The authors of the video do not assume any liability for any injury or damage to any person or property arising from the use of this video.


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