WWE CHASE U! FIRST Toy Hunt of 2025!

Описание к видео WWE CHASE U! FIRST Toy Hunt of 2025!

Did the first TOY HUNT video of 2025 find us NEW action figures? NEW TMNT, Transformers, and WWE?

Also, make sure you guys check out local toy hunters Justin and Stu of‪@ActionFigureNow1‬ Hitting the Charleston area with a enthusiasm and finding a ton!

My Instagram:   / jbs_toy_trunk  

Thanks for watching and don't forget to like, comment and subscribe to see what else we can find in ‪@jbstoytrunk‬ ENJOY THE RIDE!!!

#toyhunt #starwars #marvel #dc #tmnt #neca #MOTU #mastersoftheuniverse #gijoe #transformers #wwe #funko #funkopop #aew #lego #fortnite #spawn #toys #actionfigures #jbstoytrunk


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