Laserpon3 Interview

Описание к видео Laserpon3 Interview

Somehow, I managed to find those footage 10 month after we did this interview. It was shot on 10/26/13 at BronyDays (in the VIP room \o/). Expect some apples!

I also want to thank the Brony Days' team. They did an amazing job and organized one of the most successful wonvention I've ever been to/ Surely, it wasn't perfect (nothing is perfect), but we all had a great time together.

You can watch the video I did shortly after the convention right here:    • [CON] BronyDays (EN sub available)  

And let's take a moment to mock my english accent. Thanksfully, now I have a better accent but as you may hear, it used to be awful.


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