II A pleasant stay at Murshidabad by WBTDCL II Motijheel Tourism property II Near Berhampur II

Описание к видео II A pleasant stay at Murshidabad by WBTDCL II Motijheel Tourism property II Near Berhampur II

This video is about Motijheel tourism property of West Bengal Tourism Development Company Limited Or WBTDCL at Berhampur, Murshidabad. An awesome place to stay while exploring Murshidabad. Huge property welcomes you with different migrating birds flying besides the lake.
Light and sound show has not been available due to renovation but fountain show is available in the evening upto 06:30 pm every day.

The Property is located 17 K.M. away from Berhampur Town Murshidabaad.

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Motijheel Lake


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