Reviewing EVERY Transitions Lens: The Ultimate Showdown

Описание к видео Reviewing EVERY Transitions Lens: The Ultimate Showdown

Ultimate Review of all photochromic Transitions Lenses Technology - Need help buying eyeglasses? Watch this! 👉    • How to Buy Prescription Glasses - Com...  

Photochromic lenses, often referred to as adaptive or transition lenses, are a remarkable innovation in the world of eyewear. These lenses undergo a transformation when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light, adapting to changing light conditions and providing optimal vision whether you're indoors or outdoors. Here, we delve into the differences between three notable variations: Transitions Generation 8, Transitions Xtractive, Transitions Xtractive Polarized and Transitions Drivewear.

This video is NOT sponsored by Transitions
There are many other brands of photochromic lenses but these are some of the most well-known and the ones I have experience with.

Learn more about photochromic and the NEWEST Transitions Gen S here:    • PhotoChromic Glasses Explained - Ever...  

0:00 Transitions Lenses Review
0:57 Transitions Generation 8
2:44 Transitions Xtractive
4:19 Transitions Xtractive Polarized
5:41 Transitions Drivewear
7:01 Final Review and thoughts

Glasses for your face shape:    • How to Choose GLASSES for Your Face S...  
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Additional Resources
Eye Exam Tips    • 7 Eye Exam Tips for Better Vision, Gl...  
Prescription Glasses Online vs In Store    • Buying Prescription Glasses Online VS...  
Bifocals vs Progressives:    • Progressive Lens vs Bifocal - Which i...  
Anti Reflective:    • Best Anti Glare Lenses (Anti Reflecti...  
How to Clean Your Glasses:    • How to Clean Eyeglasses (The Best Way...  
Blue light glasses info:    • What is Blue Light? | Blue Light Glas...  

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