9/22/23 The Council of Dads "All the President’s Men" part 5 S3E7p5

Описание к видео 9/22/23 The Council of Dads "All the President’s Men" part 5 S3E7p5

“The Council of Dads”
Though I do recommend reading the moving memoir “The Council of Dads,” today’s show is using that title to refer to the A.I. overlords who are busy deciding your future interactions with this emerging technology. Recently, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates all headed to Washington D.C. to discuss how the rest of us will get to use Artificial Intelligence. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Do you trust these men to make such consequential decisions for you? What is the spiritual side of this event? All this and more on our final show of the week, our most recent A.I. Update. Welcome.

"All the President’s Men" Part 5: 9/22/23
All this week, Something’s Happening Here looks at the recent impeachment inquiry opened against president Joe Biden to determine the lessons God wants us to learn from it.

Season 3 Episode 7
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