MGS2 - Big Boss Rank E-Extreme

Описание к видео MGS2 - Big Boss Rank E-Extreme

love this game, and i'm happy to finally get the Big Boss Rank done. it was good fun but stressful too.

Big Boss Rank Requirements:

-Difficulty: Extreme or European Extreme
-Time: Under 3 Hours
-Continues: 0
-Alerts: 3
-Kills: 0
-Rations: 0
-Saves: 0 to 8
-Damage Taken: Under 10 Lifebars on Extreme (499 dmg or less), Under 9.3 Lifebars on European Extreme (279 dmg or less)
-Shots Fired: Under 700
-Game Over If Discovered: Not Required
-Radar: Off
-Mech Destruction: 60 (20 units Metal Gear RAY, and you can only destroy at least 39 to 40 Cipher, Gun Camera and Surveillance Camera) (Not relevant for Substance/HD, maybe Sons of Liberty)

All 3 Alerts are mandatory

My Saves:

1 - Top of the Elevator after the start of plant chapter

2 - After the Fatman boss fight (immediately after talking to the ninja)

3 - Directly after Harrier boss fight

4 - After bringing Emma up through the flooded sector and going up the elevator

5 - Immediately after being released from the torture bed by Olga in arsenal gear

6 - At the start of the MG Rays boss fight

7 - Just before the torture sequence atop arsenal gear
( this one is optional if you want to use it else where that may work better for you. As the choke isn't too bad once you use a small tea spoon and slide it across the Δ Button quickly from. Left - Right repeatedly, Granted if you fail you will be doing the rays again judging by how you find the bossfight it may determine how safe you want to play it)

8 - Just before the Solidus boss fight



Save as many stun grenades as you can they are paramount to the first Tengu fight in which we do the 'door skip' to completely skip the fight.


(Played on The Master Collection)


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