Weekend with Cobra Kai Fam at Battle of Atlanta! || TRAVEL VLOG || 6.13-16.19

Описание к видео Weekend with Cobra Kai Fam at Battle of Atlanta! || TRAVEL VLOG || 6.13-16.19

Tanner and I were invited to the Battle of Atlanta Karate Tournament! We handed out some belts and trophies, did a fun Q & A, and got to meet so many cool people who love the show! Plus CK Stunt Crew Members hung out too!

This was an awesome experience, I learned a lot just by watching, and I have even more respect for this beautiful martial art! Thank you so much to all of the people who said ‘hey’ or took a picture with us! I had so much fun meeting you all and seeing these insane talents in person!

I’ll get better at vlogging over time, I’m still new and nervous! Lol. Thanks for watching the video anyway!! CHECK OUT MY INSTAGRAM FOR SOME OTHER FUN BTS MOMENTS!

|| My Socials: ||
Instagram:   / missmarymmouser  
Twitter:   / marymmouser  
Facebook Page:   / marymmouser  

|| Helpful Links: ||
Fred’s Meat and Bread (BEST BURGER OF ALL TIME): http://bit.ly/FredsBurger
Face Mask I Tried (and ended up liking!): http://bit.ly/2Rnlnvs
Battle of Atlanta’s Site: https://www.thebattleofatlanta.com

|| My Equipment: ||
Camera: http://bit.ly/MMCAMERA
(1) http://bit.ly/MMTRIPOD1
(2) http://bit.ly/MMTRIPOD2
Lights: http://bit.ly/MMLIGHTS

#Karate #Vlog #TravelVlog


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