Multilanguage | Surface Pressure | 37 languages | Encanto

Описание к видео Multilanguage | Surface Pressure | 37 languages | Encanto

This song suffers from a severe case of having been mixed very, very, VERY, differently by each country :__D. But I love it and Luisa so much, so.

Luisa seems to be a character a bit hard to get right, my top 5 Luisas so far (in no particular order) are Slovak, Br Portuguese, Finnish, French and English. Some versions make her overly aggresive (when she is the opposite of that), some others overly masculine and then you have the rare version where she sounds a bit too sweet. She has to have a very precise balance of feminine and deep which only English (original, ofc) and a few others have. What do you think? Lemme know in the comments!


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