Importance of Startup Ecosystem | Narottam Aryal

Описание к видео Importance of Startup Ecosystem | Narottam Aryal

Our education provides 10 years worth of question banks and answer patterns so that you can reproduce it in your exams and get good grades and distinctions. So are we really promoting the kind of ecosystem that an entrepreneur needs, someone who needs to think independently, differently and creatively to solve the problems that others have not been able to see and design the solution for? Asks Mr. Narottam Aryal at Udhyami101 while making us realize the need for a thriving startup ecosystem in Nepal.

This Udhyami101 was the closing ceremony of Udhyami Seed Camp- Women edition, an entrepreneurship boot camp where early stage startups having at least one female founder came to work, learn, network, attract seed funds and start their ventures.
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Udhyami Seed Camp- Tech Edition was also announced at the end of the event. This startup boot-camp intends to provide an immersive and fast-paced introduction to entrepreneurship with hands-on activities and sessions that provide participants with a deep understanding of what it is like to operate a sustainable startup business. This edition of Udhyami Seed Camp will focus on creating a sustainable synergy between technology and businesses to instigate startups with international caliber.

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