Rocky and the Railroad Ramblers at Gillian’s Wonderland Pier (Bubba’s Jaw Falls Off)

Описание к видео Rocky and the Railroad Ramblers at Gillian’s Wonderland Pier (Bubba’s Jaw Falls Off)

I always loved watching these guys play when I was really little! My mom used to have these guys play for me a few times. During my childhood years here, they were in a bit of disrepair and then later on, the painting had cheap bright colors. But back in 2015, I saw that they had their 90’s look back which made me very happy. Over the course of that time until now, they slowly became fairly new looking like how they were supposed to look in the 90’s. I also thank ‪@Actors317‬ and his crew for fixing these guys up like this! I got to go to Wonderland one more time before its closure in October to record everything and take all the pictures I needed to. Wonderland Pier is my first amusement park I grew up with and is the entire inspiration for my love of cartoons, carousels and band organ music. Thank you to the wonderful crew over at Wonderland Pier for making my childhood and helping me grow as a person. They are playing Thank God I’m a Country Boy in this video. Btw, Bubba’s lower jaw falls off in the middle of this take of my Rocky and the Railroad Ramblers recording at 0:32 of the video. I hope these guys find a good home after the pier closes.


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