【虛擬銀行時代EP2】香港第二間虛擬銀行全面實測 - 天星銀行|HK's 2nd Virtual bank tryout - Airstar Bank

Описание к видео 【虛擬銀行時代EP2】香港第二間虛擬銀行全面實測 - 天星銀行|HK's 2nd Virtual bank tryout - Airstar Bank

天星銀行Airstar Bank是香港第二間公開營業的虛擬銀行。天星銀行實力非常之雄厚,其中最大股東是從事電子科技業務,在香港上市的小米集團。

今集會先分享天星銀行Airstar Bank的背景及虛擬銀行的安全性,接着再會分享天星銀行內的各種功能和優惠,最後就會實測天星銀行的開戶過程。

天星銀行Airstar Bank的申請連結 (link to download Airstar bank):-

1. ZA BANK(眾安銀行) 虛擬銀行推廣:- 輸入我的邀請碼 [LLJFV6] 開戶兼在 7 日內存入HKD 10,000 並維持最少一天,可獲 HKD100 現金獎賞
ZA Bank virtual bank promotion:- Input my referral code [LLJFV6] when opening ZA bank account, deposit HK$10,000 within 7 days to get HK$100 upon completion.

2. 下載Livi銀行App 後用以下邀請碼開戶:-
邀請碼 (Livi Bank Invitation code): lcmwqe2u (一開始是細階 L, the 1st letter is small letter L)
**成功用邀請碼開戶,即享$100迎新優惠。After you have successfully opened account with my invitation code, you will receive HK$100 welcoming gift immediately.

3. Mox Bank 虛擬銀行推廣: 現在只需使用我的邀請碼[UHF4AC]於Mox開戶,並於成功開戶當天及其後30日內以Mox Card累積消費HKD100,就可賺取HKD100現金獎賞!
Mox Bank virtual bank promotion:- Join Mox with my invitation code [UHF4AC] and spend HKD100 with your Mox Card during the period from your Mox Account opening date and the following 30 days. Then you can earn HKD100 right away!

4. 現在用以下指定連結在微牛Webull完成開戶後,於45日內每日維持$10,000結餘及買入一筆美股,就可獲以下奬賞:- 美港股雙0佣 + 3個月Nasdaq Level2高級行情 + 1股高通 (價值約港幣1,000)。
After using the referral link below to open a Webull account, maintain at least HK$10,000 for 45 days and trade US stocks for once during the period, you can receive the following rewards:- $0 commission for US & HK stock trading + 3-month free subscription of Nasdaq totalview level 2 + 1 share of QCOM (worth around HK$1,000).

🌟 Webull開戶領奬連結/Webull account opening referral link:

5. 現在富途牛牛開戶成功存入HK$10,000,開通港美股戶口,並輸入富途牛牛兌換碼 B5TVUH3M,即可獲得一股蘋果股票,港股一世免佣優惠及$100超市禮券 (只限100位,數量有限,先到先得)
When applying a Futubull account, deposit HK$10,000, open up a HK & US trading account and input Futubull's promotion code B5TVUH3M, you are able to receive 1 free share of Apple, a life-time free commission when trading HK stocks and $100 supermarket coupon.

🌟 最新獲取富途牛牛開戶優惠可到以下連結參考操作過程:-
Illustration on how to input Futubull promotion code:-
  / 314101483679213  
*富途牛牛兌換碼: B5TVUH3M
**兌換碼條款及細則約束: http://hkpublic.futuhk.com/mact/detai...


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