How to Apply POP Cast for Ankle Sprains, Sports Ligament injuries & Stress Fractures

Описание к видео How to Apply POP Cast for Ankle Sprains, Sports Ligament injuries & Stress Fractures

Ankle sprains are the most common injuries sustained during sports. Other sports injuries of ankle and foot are:
fractures of bones
Stress fractures
Plantar Fascitis
Achillis Tendonitis
Flat foot
Tibialis Posterior tendonitis
OCD talus
Impingement syndrome ankle
Retrocalcaneal spur and bursitis
Os trigonum fracture
Peroneal tendonitis...
POP application is done in hairline fractures and severe ligament sprains and most of the sports injuries listed above. It is a simple process but great care need to be taken. All bony prominences have to be padded with cotton padding and the joints have to be immobilized in functional position.
Step 1: Stockinette application
The stockinette layer protects the skin under the cast. It prevents itching sensation due to moisture and skin hairs.
Step 2: Cotton padding or sofroll application
The cotton roll here protects the bony prominences from pressure of cast and prevents ulceration.
Step3: POP roll application
The POP rolls come in 2 different varieties. The first variety is the usual white color Plaster of Paris rolls and the other variety is the new light weight colored synthetic plaster rolls. Both have advantages and disadvantages. Your sports surgeon will decide which one is best needed for your injury.
DO's & DON'Ts/ Plaster Care
*elevate your leg over a pillow to decrease the swelling
*keep moving your toes to decrease swelling and pain
*cover the plaster with a plastic to prevent water seapage inside the cast
*use walking stick/aid as prescribed for walking
*in case the pain increases or toes become bluish or toes become numb, please visit the emergency a.s.a.p for checking if the plaster is too tight.

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