Kate Coleman: ‘When the Spirit is left to move, women rise up to lead’

Описание к видео Kate Coleman: ‘When the Spirit is left to move, women rise up to lead’

Kate Coleman never intended to become a Christian, yet alone blaze a trail for women in ministry. The first Black female minister in the Baptist Union, as well as the denomination’s first Black female president, when she was first asked to be a church elder (itself a miracle as her church had, up until that point, no women leaders) she was wary of saying yes. She knew God had called her, but was reluctant to be the cause of a potential church spilt. She describes the fallout as “a baptism of fire”. Three decades on, she’s still pioneering new ways to equip and resource female leaders around the world. In this in depth interview with Premier Christianity's Emma Fowle, Kate unpacks her unorthodox journey to faith, what she’s learnt from Christians behaving badly and shares her hopes and dreams for the future of the Church.

You can also read this interview in Premier Christianity magazine.

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