GoldenEYE v1 || VulnHub Walkthrough

Описание к видео GoldenEYE v1 || VulnHub Walkthrough

Hello everyone! Welcome to my latest video. Today, we'll be exploring a vulnerable machine called " GoldenEye," classified as " Intermediate " in terms of difficulty.

This machine is inspired by the iconic James Bond film (and even better N64 game) GoldenEye. Our objective is to gain root access and capture the secret GoldenEye codes in the flag.txt file.

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0:00 Introduction
0:38 Settings Up
2:21 Enumeration
2:22 Identify the IP address
2:48 Scan the Network to identify open ports
4:12 Web Enumeration
7:18 Scan the Network to find the pop3 service
8:23 User Enumeration for POP3 Service: Targeting User 'Boris
13:30 User Enumeration for POP3 Service: Targeting User 'Natalya'
19:54 User Enumeration for POP3 Service: Targeting User 'Doak'
23:02 Investigate Images to find a clue
24:20 Foothold
24:55 Gain a Reverse shell using the Aspell Spell-checking tool
30:31 Privilege Escalation
31:46 Overlays Local Privilege Escalation

#GoldenEye, #VulnHub, #Walkthrough, #CyberSecurity, #IntermediateDifficulty, #JamesBond, #N64Game, #RootAccess, #flagCapture, #Enumeration, #NetworkScan, #WebEnumeration, #POP3Service, #ReverseShell, #PrivilegeEscalation, #AspellTool, #LocalPrivilegeEscalation, #HackingTutorial, #CyberSecMastery

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Disclaimer: Hacking without having permission is illegal. This channel is strictly educational for learning about cyber-security in the areas of ethical hacking and penetration testing so that we can protect ourselves against real hackers.


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