How to Choose a Sunscreen for Your Skin Type (अपनी त्वचा के लिए सनस्क्रीन कैसे चुनें) | (In HINDI)

Описание к видео How to Choose a Sunscreen for Your Skin Type (अपनी त्वचा के लिए सनस्क्रीन कैसे चुनें) | (In HINDI)

Are you confuse about how to choose a sunscreen? Do you ever wonder How often should I Use Sunscreen, Is SPF 30 or 50 Better, etc? Dr. Dhananjay Chavan explains about How to Choose the Right SPF for Your Skin Type?

01:20 - Importance of Applying Sunscreen
02:22 - What Are UV A Rays & UV B Rays?
03:55 - How to Choose the Right Sunscreen?
06:17 - What is SPF & PA +++?
07:39 - What is SPF Value (30 & 50)?
10:20 - What Type of Sunscreen Should I Use?

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बहुत सारे लोग पूछते है की मैं अपनी त्वचा के लिए सही सनस्क्रीन कैसे चुनू|

१) स्किन के टाइप के नुसार सनस्क्रीन चुनो|
२) सनस्क्रीन के दो टाइप्स है physical और केमिकल पर अभी बाजार में दोनों के combination मिलाके Broad-Spectrum बन गयी है|
३) सनस्क्रीन चुनते वक्त SPF और PA+ factors देखना चाहिये|
४) SPF बताता है की धुप से और स्किन burn से कितनी देर तक बच सकते हो|
५) PA+ हमें tanning, स्किन डार्क या premature aging होने से बचता है|
६) Normal स्किन के लिये सनस्क्रीन लोशन use कर सकते हो|
७) Oily skin के लिये oil free और matte finish use कर सकते हो|
८) Dry skin के लिये Hydrating और Moisturising base का सनस्क्रीन use कर सकते हो|

पढ़े, What is the best sunscreen for pigmentation?

Today I will be discussing a very important topic when it comes to skincare and disease prevention - Sunscreen.

It is true that we get a lot of Vitamin D from the sun and to an extent, Vitamin D is important for us and our skin.

The real problem of too much exposure to the sun is the fact that it can cause skin cancer.

Before we proceed, it is important to first understand that sunlight is made up of ultraviolet A, B, and C rays along with infrared rays and visible light.

UVB rays affect the upper layers of the epidermis, which is the main cause of sunburn and skin cancers. These do not really pierce through it so the maximum damage can be seen on top of your skin.

Ultraviolet A rays give us Vitamins D, however, they are quite harmful as compared to the UVB rays.

Now, unlike the UVB rays, these directly penetrate through the upper layers of the skin and affect the dermis and collagen production and may mainly be behind the skin tanning, premature aging, wrinkles & affect your skin’s collagen tissue.

These rays also cause the tanning of the skin and increase the melanocyte activity.

Using sunscreens can protect your skin from the harmful effects caused by the skin to a great extent.

Broadly speaking, there are two types of sunscreens -Physical sunscreen & chemical sunscreen.

Now, evidently, physical sunscreens are more effective.

However, these are thicker in texture and white in color. The ones which are smoother and less white or more transparent in color, are slightly on the more expensive side.

The good news is that the sunscreens that are available nowadays are both chemical & physical sunscreens so make sure to check that the ingredients of both these are there in the sunscreen you choose.

When you choose a sunscreen, make sure to get UVA and UVB protection, basically a choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen

What is SPF?
You may have people say that use a sunscreen with an SPF 30 or 50 and so on.

What does it mean?
SPF is nothing but the “Sun Protection Factor”.

The most common SPF value actually tells you about how long protected you are against the UVB rays but it is also the UVA rays that play an important role.

I would recommend you go for SPF 30 which is very effective and cover yourself with wide-brimmed hats or full-sleeved clothes.

Another common question I get is, will be applying different cosmetics, all with different SPF, add up to give more protection?
Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that.
SPF is nothing but the amount of time you get protected for, from the sun.

The next part is, what type of sunscreen should I use? There different sorts of sunscreens in the market.
Some are creams, some are lotions, some sprays, some gels, some thick creams, and so on.
Choosing the type which is the most convenient in terms of usage, for you, is the most important.
The best option or popular one is lotion.

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वीडियो देखने के लिए धन्यवाद How to Choose a Sunscreen for Your Skin Type (अपनी त्वचा के लिए सनस्क्रीन कैसे चुनें) | (In HINDI)


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