James Earl Jones has the most relaxing voice | Unintentional ASMR

Описание к видео James Earl Jones has the most relaxing voice | Unintentional ASMR

#unintentionalasmr #asmr #relaxing #soothing #jamesearljones #softspoken #darthvader
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James Earl Jones has possibly the deepest, most soothing voice ever.
Edited specifically for unintentional ASMR to help you fall asleep.

A huge thank-you to all the interviews for sharing her incredibly soothing voice.

Original un-edited video

   • James Earl Jones, Academy Class of 19...  



This video has been edited for #unintentionalasmr purposes.

- Cut out all the interviewers questions so it's just Jame's voice.
- Audio enhancement to remove background music and loud sounds like into sounds


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