🎉Super Thanks🎉 Mass Crush gym chalk reforms crunchy powdery gritty sandy dusty plaster

Описание к видео 🎉Super Thanks🎉 Mass Crush gym chalk reforms crunchy powdery gritty sandy dusty plaster

Hey Chalkers, Thank you so much for the Super Thanks! With everything going up, I definitely appreciate the donations and the support 🥰🥰🥰

I had a good time, too good!!! Good music, food, and drinks. It was so good, my sister didn’t want to leave.
Me: hey, I’m leaving
Sis: how can you leave,
Me: easy, niece B only agreed to watch the baby for 3 hrs at most
Sis: she will be alright
Me: no my rass, is getting up. Because if I listen to your rass, the next time I need someone to watch her, she’s going to tell me no.
Sis: she have you on a curfew
Me: yes, and it’s not like when we were teens! I’m not getting grounded because of you!

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