Grateful for this New Day, Guided Morning Meditation

Описание к видео Grateful for this New Day, Guided Morning Meditation

This is an Original 10 minute guided morning meditation recorded by us. In this new day, invite yourself to embrace the power of choice. You have within you the ability to decide how you want to feel, regardless of the circumstances that surround you. Today, let your heart guide your emotions, and choose to cultivate an inner landscape of positivity, gratitude, and joy. You hold the remarkable power to create your own emotional climate, shaping the way you experience the world. Embrace the freedom to let go of negativity, doubts, and worries that may try to steal your inner peace. Instead, focus your energy on cultivating emotions that empower you, uplift others, and bring harmony to your day. Embrace this morning with a renewed sense of purpose and the belief that you have the power to shape your day. As you step into the world, carry with you the knowledge that your choices influence not only your own well-being but also have the potential to create a ripple effect of positivity.

A special thank you to all our monthly supporters!
We appreciate all your support and contribution to allow this channel to continue to share our guided meditations with the world. Thank you!!!
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This recording has been produced by and Exclusively owned by us (Great Meditation).
Voice spoken: Original commentary recorded by us.
Background Image: Original image produced by, and exclusively owned by us.
Background Music: Exclusively owned and produced by us


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