2 Hour Tantric-Sexual-Mindfulness/Twin Flame Meditation

Описание к видео 2 Hour Tantric-Sexual-Mindfulness/Twin Flame Meditation

2 Hour Tantric-Sexual-Mindfulness/Twin Flame Meditation

Dream interpretation

1) A telepathic bond
As mentioned, telepathy is all about feeling emotions or thoughts that aren’t yours. You ‘feel’ that they’re dreaming of you – the way you dream about them.

2) Their presence
Even if your twin flame is far from you, you’ll feel their presence whenever they dream about you.

Scientists call this phenomenon quantum entanglement.

It occurs when two particles (in this situation, twin flame chakra) link up, no matter how far they are from each other.

Additionally, any action that a particle (twin flame) takes will eventually affect/impact the other party.

It pretty much reflects what happens in twin flame dreams. Both are linked up, so when one person dreams, the other person ‘feels’ it as well.

4) A feeling of excitement
When your twin flame dreams about you, you feel excited – even if there’s no reason for you to feel so.

That’s because your twin flame is sending vibrations of happiness. They saw you in their dreams, after all!

5) A rush of emotions
Excitement is not the only thing you’ll feel when your twin flame dreams about you. You may experience other emotions as well, either positive or negative.

More often than not, you’ll feel the warm feeling of being loved.

5) Signs/scenarios that point to your twin flame
Do you see strange numerical patterns?

Or are you experiencing unexplainable coincidences, perhaps?

Worry not, for it’s the universe’s way of letting you know that your twin flame is dreaming about you.

It’s not the only meaning, though. Seeing things that remind you of your twin flame may mean that it’s time to reunite with them.

6) Erotic thoughts
More than just sharing a deep emotional bond, your twin flame may have sexual thoughts about you as well.

In fact, erotic dreams are one such sign.

When you’re having sexy thoughts about your twin flame, it’s nature’s way of letting you know that they feel the same way.

Apart from erotic dreaming, here are other signs of a brewing sexual tension:

You experience telepathic arousal or a sexual fantasy state that feels very authentic. It feels as if your twin flame is touching you (quantum entanglement much?)
You keep on drawing sexy tarot cards. No matter what you do, you keep on getting the Star, the Cup, the Ace of Wands, the Three Cups, the Knight of Wands, the Ace of Pentacles, the Eight of Swords, and the Temperance.
You have a sudden jolt of energy. Despite lacking sleep and caffeine, you feel a buzz of energy creeping up on you on the most unexpected of times.
You get dizzy – with some heart palpitations too. It’s just like you did the deed, but you didn’t.
Become aware of our self first. Before we can fully connect with another, we must connect to ourselves. This means we come back into our own body first. We feel our feet on the ground. We notice our breath. We can feel the air on our face and hands—maybe even the sensation of our heart beating. Is it getting faster as we think about what might come next? Observe the building of anticipation and how our body so sweetly responds.

Notice our partner. Now, we observe what is in front of us. Lucky for us, it is that lovely other being. So let’s really see them for a moment. Maybe take their hand, their shoulder, or touch their lips or a wisp of hair, and truly appreciate the beauty of it. This is how we arrive, slowly. Just like we noticed our own breath, we can begin to listen for theirs. What is its speed, its depth, its rhythm? A swoon-worthy way to become intimate before our bodies intertwine is to begin matching our breath with theirs. Notice the heat building…

Unite consciously. As we begin to touch each other more, feel every part of our skin that is coming in contact with theirs. How do our fingertips rub up against certain parts of them? What does our inner thigh feel like wrapped around their back? What does our palm feel like caressing their chest, or our lips on theirs? We learn to sense each touch that we give and receive by taking our time and feeling each movement. In this, we find greater pleasure, for meditation it is about realizing the juiciness of the moment.

There is no conclusion. The best and most tantalizing thing about meditating while having sex is that there does not need to be an ending, as meditation demands no final goal. Eventually, we surrender into each others arms, because we are finally ready to let go—deliciously touch saturated.

Coming back to the present moment in life and in sex is not a new tradition, but I believe we can all benefit from it. A mindful interaction is something sacred, and touching each other intimately is a great way to do it.

When we can experience all that another has to offer, and can give the time to show them the pieces of our own body and soul we would like tenderly revealed, sex becomes an act that transforms and awakens each one of us.


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