Lesson 1 Intro to Shadow Work per Carl Jung!Shadow Work and Tarot for Beginners Series.

Описание к видео Lesson 1 Intro to Shadow Work per Carl Jung!Shadow Work and Tarot for Beginners Series.

Welcome to 1st lesson of Shadow Work and Tarot for Beginners series. Please see all the classes listed below in the series; there is also a playlist created. Enjoy!

👉Download the shadow work pdf mini guidebook here: https://drzphd.com/tarotshrink
ALL the videos in the shadow work for beginners series:
Video 1 in the series:    • Lesson 1 Intro to Shadow Work per Car...  
Video 2 in the series:    • Lesson 2 Why Do Shadow Work? Shadow W...  
Video 3 in the series:    • Lesson 3 Essential Pillars of How to ...  
Video 4 in the series:    • Lesson 4 Decks Best Suited for Shadow...  
Video 5 in the series:    • Lesson 5 Final Tips on Doing Shadow W...  


-The Collected Works of C.G. Jung. 20 vols. Bollinger Series XX, translated by R.F.C. Hull, edited by H. Read, M. Fordham, G. Adler, and Wm McGuire. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1953-1979.
-C.G. Jung Lexicon: A Primer of Terms & Concepts. Daryl Sharp. 1991. Inner City Books, Toronto, Canada.
-Owning Your Own Shadow: Understand the Dark Side of the Psyche. Robert Johnson. 1991. HarperCollings, New York, NY.
-The Inner Journey: Lectures and Essays on Jungian Psychology. Barbara Hannah. 2000. Inner City Books, Toronto, Canada.


ABOUT ME: I am a clinical psychologist specializing solely in transgender care. Esoteric mysticism is my passion, and I love integrating Tarot & Oracle with psychological self-development.

DISCLAIMER: When I speak on concepts of tarot and psychology, I am not speaking in a role as a clinical psychologist but as a person who is versed in psychology. Therefore, any and all concepts explored are not diagnostic. Psychological terms are used loosely to convey their generalized meanings and are not literal representations, with the exception of videos where sources are clearly read and cited from the original source.

If you are interested in information on TRANSGENDER/GENDER DIVERSE topics, feel free to VISIT: www.drzphd.com


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