The Most Annoying Touchscreen Issue On The Ally X & How I Fixed It - Works On All Handhelds!

Описание к видео The Most Annoying Touchscreen Issue On The Ally X & How I Fixed It - Works On All Handhelds!

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Stay tuned for part 2 : I now have a way to program this to the back buttons or any button you want to enable or disable the screen thanks to one of you guys ! The solution is in the pinned comments


if the link stops working at all please let me know, I can upload an alternate link.

This is how I personally fixed my accidental touch screen problem on my ally x. This may not happen on your unit at all. It is not going to happen unless your thumb is randomly touching the screen like mine does on the right side. Some people may NEVER have this problem, but many will. If this problem bugs you please let me know below, share with a friend so it can help them too.
If you have any issues using this method please join the discord below and @ me or feel free to leave a comment below letting me know what the issue is or if your going to dm me. I will be happy to help.

I have been using this method for 2 weeks now with zero issues at all. Hopefully one day we can find a way to implement this into armory crate or have specific games automatically disable when launched. I might have a way to do this so if You'd like to have specific apps launch disabled let me know and I will try that.

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any mods or software tweaks or tutorials on this channel. All modding and tutorials all should be done by experienced persons with care and caution. If you ever have a question or feel unsure, stop what you are doing and reach out to me or my discord for help before you take any unsure risk. Modding is always at your own risk. This tutorial however will not void your warranty or cause any hardware issues or damage, it's simply a quick and easy and effective way to enable/disable touch screen without going into device manager to do so. We will have to use this measure until there is an official way.
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