125. Which scroll saw blade makes the best cut?

Описание к видео 125. Which scroll saw blade makes the best cut?

This video is for beginning scroll saw users. Experienced scrollers will probably not find any new information here.

In this video, I will be cutting 4 straight lines using 4 different scroll saw blades on 2 different kinds of wood (8 lines total). The intention is to compare the cut quality of each of the 4 blades.

This video is a kind of follow-up to a recent video that I ended by asking: "What blade profile should I use?" (    • 120. Are spiral blades harder to cont...   at the 31:50 mark) As a beginning scroller myself, I am trying out several kinds of scroll saw blades to gain some experience and see if I have a preference.

I will be using a 3/4" thick piece of pine and a 5/8" thick piece of particle board as my test pieces. I choose pine and particle board because I have a lot of reclaimed pieces of both and expect to be making various projects from those materials.

The 4 scroll saw blades that I am using include:
1) a pin end with the typical blade profile
2) a spiral blade
3) a skipped tooth blade
4) a skipped tooth reverse blade

At the end of the video, I show the cuts made in both the pine and particle board and tell you which blade I think cut the best.

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7) If you would like more information on any of the products you saw in the video, please click the links below. NOTE: This channel is a participant in the Amazon Associate Program. As an Amazon Associate, we earn a small commission on qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you.

For more information on the spiral blades I used, visit: https://amzn.to/3atMRLA
Amazon also sells many other types of scroll saw blades.

For more information about the bladeholders, visit: https://amzn.to/3kdzdxT .
This bladeholder design can be used with several kinds of scroll saws (not just the Central Machinery / Harbor Freight saw). Check the web link provided to see if these holders will work on your saw.

"Aces High" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

All video content was written, shot and edited by Matt Ancona.


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