How to identify scabies rash & its management? - Dr. Sudheendra Udbalker

Описание к видео How to identify scabies rash & its management? - Dr. Sudheendra Udbalker

Scabies is caused by one of the itch mites, which is called scientifically as sacroptis scabiei. It is common among people who stay in crowded conditions like in hotels, PG accomodations, more than 2 people staying together. It is classically a very itchy rash which is more at night. it predominantly appears as small eruptions, small pimple like eruptions on the fingers, the wrist, the thighs, around the genital area, the lower abdomen, in the umbilical area, in the arm pit of the classical features of scabies rash is development of a small module on the scrotum and the penis which is almost a sign. Treatment of scabies involves application of antiscabitic medication like permethrin all over the body for one application which is left overnight and then washed. Taking acre of other hygienic measures like cleaning of the clothes which they have been using, cleaning of the room and the treatment of the people around you also plays a very important role in the management of scabies, it is not the person alone who needs the treatment . It’s the environment also which needs to be taken care of.


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