Adults who have, or do, experience symptoms associated with their childhood Clubfoot.

Описание к видео Adults who have, or do, experience symptoms associated with their childhood Clubfoot.

Clubfoot, also known as congenital talipes equinovarus (CTEV), is a condition present at birth where one or both feet are turned, often inward and downward. While it is primarily seen as a childhood condition, many adults who were treated in childhood may experience signs and symptoms as they grow older. These changes can present challenges, particularly in finding the right support and resources.

In this insightful webinar, we bring together three adults with lived experiences of clubfoot and clinical expert Nat Pahiar. Our panel discusses the most common questions and concerns about the impact of clubfoot into adulthood.

Watch the recorded webinar to gain valuable insights and share it with others who may benefit. For additional support, visit the Steps website at


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